Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happiness at Work

Happiness at Work
                  People work for necessity, because they enjoy what they do and some to satisfy their ambition. I think that the best thing  that can happen to someone  is to work at a place where you feel comfortable and enjoy what you do for a living .In “Happier” by Tal Ben –shahar It says “The psychologist Abraham Maslow once wrote that the most beautiful fate, the most wonderful good fortune that can happen to any human being, is to be paid for doing that which he passionately loves to do .“I agree with this quote because most people work for 40 hours a week and doing  something you don’t  like can lead to making you feel miserable
                    In “Happier “ by Tal Ben-shahar he explains” MPS” process which means Meaning ,Pleasure and strength .   He says “We can begin the process by asking these three crucial questions.”What gives me meaning?”What gives  me pleasure ?”What are my strengths ”and noting  the trend that emerge . Looking at the answers and identifying areas of over lap can help us determine what kind of work would make  us happiest. Using the” MPS” process I am sure nursing would make me happy . As  I was growing up I always felt the need to help others .When my little brother would fall I  always helped him clean up and put a bandage over his cut . Health is very important therefore I want to help prevent illnesses .
              In conclusion there is no other job than being a nurse what would fill me  with joy. I wouldn’t want to work in something that I don't find any interest . I want to wakeup every morning with lots of energy to go to work . The only way I would find Happiness work would be if  i found myself in a field where I can help people in need .  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happiness in Education

Susana Sanchez

                                              Happiness in Education

                              Happiness can be very difficult to find in education when emotions take over our mind .My bad emotions towards education can reflect on how I feel and think about my education. It’s as if my emotions and feelings have a mind of their own!
                             I have been attending school for the past fourteen years of my life. In school we were taught how to read and write, how to add and subtract and best of all they even taught us how to color. There are times where school can become interesting with the many things you can learn but there are also times where it can get so frustrating.   To begin the search of finding happiness in education can be by eliminating the negative habits I may have as a student.  Three bad habits I have are: fear of failure, stress   and also lack of focus. These are the three undesirable habits that have become the boundaries between happiness in education. I think that education is very essential in a person’s life; if we lose interest on education we wouldn't be able to enjoy education which is necessary in order to succeed.
                          The fear of failure takes over my body when I see a low grade. When I have to take tests I begin to presence fear. Even if I studied for the test a day before my mind will blank out. I feel I have no control over this fear, it’s like my emotions do as they please! A few days ago I took a psychology test and I studied the entire week; I was sure I was going to pass. The day of the test as I sat in the room and I begin to read the first question.  I didn't know anything at all.  .As a result I failed. Since my major is nursing I can’t afford to fail a test so I had to find a solution. My solution to this problem is to gain confidence or meditate before the Test. Confidence will give me the courage I need to pass with flying colors. I think Meditating can also help because it helps the person gain peace and calm into the body and mind, it will help me get rid of the fear towards getting a low grade on the test and failing.
          Stress is an emotion I obtain when school work is complicated. In” Happier" by Tal Ben- Shahar , He writes, “The drowning model shows two things: the desire to free ourselves of pain can be a strong motivator and that, once freed, we can easily mistake our relief for happiness” (83). I find myself agreeing with Shahar’s way of thinking. For example English class is very difficult for me. It might not even be the class but the work. when we were assigned to write this blog I thought it would be pretty simple to write about myself  but as I brainstorm what to write I begin to feel stressed because I have no ideas. I had no clue what I was going to write about .In this situation the stress I’m feeling is leading me into the drowning model. The reason why I find myself experiencing the drowning model is because the stress I feel   encourages me to  me to finish my paper .After i finish writing this paper i might feel a slight relief but it doesnt mean its happiness. In order to find happiness in education the best suggestion i can give myself is to avoid stress. When i can’t suceed my first feeling can’t be stress because I have to give it my best try.
             Here is my worst habit lack of focus. I think I find myself in this situation when I don’t find what am doing interesting. A good example of my lack of focus would be in an in social studies class. While am there I lose focus and think about anything. My mind is just not where its suppose to be. Social studies don’t grab my attention. To have happiness in education the best choice is to do something you enjoy doing. What I enjoy doing the most is  exercising ; If I exercise before a social studies class or any other class I don’t like very much  I will find myself in the best condition to proceed without being distracted or losing focus during class  . In Ken Robinson’s speech, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” He talks about a girl. Her teachers thought that she had a learning disorder because she had to “move to think”. What the teacher didn’t know was she loved to dance and when she joined musical theater where she found people like her. She was pleased because she was doing something she liked which was dancing. I also enjoy dancing so if I do what I enjoy the most I will feel happier.
           In conclusion education is a necessity. In order for people to get further in life. Many people have dreams of becoming doctors, police officers, teachers, fire fighters, nurses, etc; the only way to make to it through life is by using education to fill us with knowledge. Education might not be the most wonderful thing but where would we be without it?  Happiness in the world is also necessary so if you are your not   you need to find a solution as soon as possible.  Bringing happiness into education is going to help us have a better life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happiness in Education

Happiness in Education
                  Is it possible to find Happiness in Education?  I define education as a way to get the knowledge we need to succeed in life. During the past 14 years of my life I have been attending school. It all began from elementary to Jr high school to High school and now college. It has been a very difficult journey. Along the way there have been moments full of frustration and other moments of joy. Based on my experience I think Happiness can be found in education!
In the article Our Best Chance for Happiness Is Education by   Mark Van Doren, He explains two methods that explain how students are motivated. One method is “The drowning model “and “The Love making model “. She says “The drowning model shows two things: that the desire to free ourselves of pain can be a stronger motivator and that, once freed, we can easily mistake our relief for happiness........The love making model however ,offers a different way of thinking about learning , One that can encompass both present and future benefit .”  I can connect more to     “The drowning model “. There are times where I feel so stressed with school work. It comes to a point where I can’t take it anymore so my desire not to feel stressed motivates me .She is correct when she says that the desire to be stress free can be confused with happiness . Is it happiness? I agree with Mark Van Doren we get confused.
In Ken Robinson’s speech, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” He talks about a girl. Her teachers thought that she had a learning disorder because she had to “move to think”. What the teacher didn’t know was she loved to dance and when she joined musical theater where she found people like her. She was pleased because she was doing something she liked which was dancing. I think that the clue to find happiness is exactly what this girl did. She danced and did what she enjoyed most. In school we are taught math, reading, writing science etc these subjects aren’t interesting to all students but we have to make it interesting in order to learn. What we can do to find happiness in education is follow this girls example and make our classes fun. For example reading is not always pleasant when you read something you don’t like; a good idea would be to find a book or article on a topic which you are interested on.
              As a student one thing I hate are tests .There is nothing more that I hates  more  than taking tests , but I do like to talk and make friends . A solution to this problem can be to form a study group. Although I hate tests in a study group I get the opportunity to make friend but also study for my test because it’s impossible not to have them. I also lose focus very fast when I don’t understand certain things. What I can do to fix this issue is leave the fear on the side and ask questions. This will be the only way I am going to understand better and be able to maintain focused.  My fear towards failures is something I have to fix step by step with a lot of effort while studying taking notes and trying my best at all times. If I manage to fix these 3 issues in my life I thing I will find happiness in my education.
        In conclusion I am positive Happiness can be found in education. The student has to  find what they like and Enjoy what they do .If we think of how our future would be if we got far in Education because  We will inspire ourselves .In the future I view myself as I doctor and and that’s my inspiration towards succeeding in education ,therefore I find happiness in my education!