usana Sanchez and Chris Sillitti
Using pills to treat depression has become more popular over the years.There may be a better ways to treat depression then just by using pills such as antidepressants . There are many unnecessary side effects that anti-depression pills can cause. It seems that there are more negative effects then positive effects. These companies like Prozac and Zoloft have misleading ads. There are many alternatives people can try before using antidepressants . It would be interesting to know if there are other any abstract reasons to why antidepressants are per scribed a lot Antidepressants do not always cure depression they affect our health in various ways , other solutions are necessary .
Advertisements influence people to take antidepressants .What they do not specify on the advertisements is the side effects antidepressants may cause. some people are unaware of all those effects. people are getting these pills prescribed to them and asking there doctors if they should take them. These misleading ads are seen in many places such as , T.V. and even in the doctors office . pamphlets advertising these drugs are also provided on the streets . In commercials like the Cymbalta it shows people with there family and they are smiling while a lady is talking in through the commercial listing all the side effects that the pill causes. It makes you wonder how the people in the commercial are happy when they are being exposed to all these side effects.
Antidepressants have many negative side effects that all people should know before taking. Some of these side effects include serotonin syndrome which is a very serious condition. It causes agitation, hallucinations, problems with coordination, racing heart beat, over-active reflexes, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It also has been known to cause abnormal bleeding which will make you bruise easily and will make you bleed for a long time if you get cut. The drugs can also cause Mania which will give you a lot of energy and give you trouble sleeping. Seizures and loss of appetite are also more common side affects that occur after taking Prozac. Those are just the serious side effects that antidepressants cause. Some of the common effects are abnormal dreams, anxiety, weakness, dry mouth, flu, decreased sex drive, nervousness, sore throat, hot flashes, and many more. Not only do you have those effects, but when you stop taking these drug you go through withdrawals. If people get informed about the serious side effects that they are exposed to by taking antidepressants like Prozac they might want to think again.
Some people might not be aware about important facts based on antidepressants . Oh ,how happy we will be by Greg Crister talks about How researchers at laboratories experimented with Prozac and rats . It says “moreover,The compound appeared to be pharmaceutically “clean” it affected few other neural systems ,so side effects would be minimal .A note :#82816 was labeled fluoxetine .This is what we now cal Prozac.” In other words based on this experiment Prozac is not safe and it is harmful . How important is your body to you?I do not think its worth putting your body to the test if you know Prozac is not a reliable solution .
Lots of money is made from selling antidepressants . This can be the reason why many doctors suggest taking antidepressants Oh ,how happy we will be by Greg Crister states “In the past ,unopposed by an organization generic-drugs lobby,they had been free to charge as much as possible .Price ,not quantity ,ruled the bottoms line . It is incredibly sad to realize that people do not really take in consideration what they are putting out in the market to sell . Prozac like many other antidepressants cause some people to feel worse .A good profit is made from antidepressant drugs but many life's are destroyed!
Antidepressants also influence on peoples suicidal thoughts . This is a very serious issue . People look forward to a way out of their problem but they end up crashing into these issues . On the article “Antidepressants increase suicidal thoughts in under-25s” by By Steve Connor It claims “Young adults under the age of 25 suffer an increased risk of suicide or suicidal thoughts when they take antidepressants and the risk is greatest after they take the drugs for anxiety and other mental problems not connected with depression, a study has found”. When taking antidepressant people expected to get better ,feel better and continue with their normal life but this is very difficult if you experience suicidal thoughts . It would be magnificent if there was a cure that did not place people at this point of their life .If we continue to get informed ,there is a safer way to get a treatment and prevent suicidal thoughts .
Many people usually just jump to the conclusion that they need to take medication to treat there illness when there are other ways they can treat depression. One way they can treat depression without using medication is light therapy. Light therapy is when you keep a bright light in your house and makes it seem like it’s day time. They it works by re-setting your biological clock timing (your "circadian rhythms") toward where it should be. Another way to help depression without taking pills is by using acupuncture. How it works is insert needles into the body to stimulate the body’s flow of energy. Also people use psychotherapy which is the most common. Psychotherapy is when a you talk to a person who is a therapist and they help you figure out what is causing you depression.These types of therapies help you deprive yourself from the bad side effects of the pills .
In conclusion keep your body health and safe do not let antidepressants damage your body . If you have a depression or think you are going through depression do not hesitate to go to a doctor just keep in mind that there are other ways to treat depression . Anti depression is not the Popper way to treat depression ! keep away from Antidepressants .Inform yourself more about antidepressant and do not let anybody fool you to thinking antidepressants have no bad side effects.
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